Southwest Counseling Services
For appointments and more information, call (307) 352-6680 or (307) 352-6677. If you or someone you know is in a crisis, there are people to help. The Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is available 24/7. Call or text 988. If there is an emergency DIAL 911.
Mental Health Services
1124 College Drive
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: (307) 352-6680
Fax: (307) 352-6676
Recovery & Billing Services
2300 Foothill Boulevard
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: (307) 352-6677
Fax: (307) 352-6614
Medical & Psychosocial
2706 Ankeny Way
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: (307) 352-6689
Fax: (307) 352-6692